Stop Calling, Stop Calling

Sério que quando eu vi o clip de Telephone da Lady Gaga ft Beyonce eu pirei! Não que eu seja super fã nem nada, mas fala sério, parece um filme! Super bem feito, dirigido, estilo hollywood productions (o que é né?). Quando a gente pensa em Lady Gaga já esperaramos todas as bizzarices, e desse vez não foi diferente, até óculos feitos de cigarro teve! Só assistindo o video mesmo para entender..haha!

Seriously when i watched brand new Lady Gaga and Beyonce’s Telephone video clip i went out of control! Im not that big of a fan, but come on, it looks like a movie! Its very well done, directed, totally hollywood production (which it is right?). When we think of Lady Gaga we already expect all the crazy stuff, and it wasnt different this time, there were even sunglasses made of cigarrettes! Just checking out the video to know…lol!

Honey B: You’ve been a very bad girl, a very bad bad girl GAGA…(quase morri de tanto rir/LMAO)

Gaga: uhumm Honey B…

Honey B: You know GAGA, trust is like a mirror you can fix it if it’s broke…

Gaga: Not that I don’t like you im just at a Partyyy…and Im sick and tired of my r-ringing!

Honey B: Tonight I’m no takin no calls…

Honey B: Cause I’ll be dancin’…( eu ameiii as correntes no ombro, super TREND/ loved the chains, very TRENDY)

Gaga: We did it Honey B…now lets go far far away from here

Honey B: You promise we’ll never come back?

Gaga: I promise!


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